Creating Environments that Reach Every Student Program

Creating Environments that Reach Every Student:

A Capacity-Building Program

The goal for this two-year-long program is to create a capacity-building learning community among two-year college physics-related teaching instructors to support efforts to improve student success by creating welcoming learning environments. This program builds a cohort of supportive peers who are committed to self exploration, self improvement, and working in challenging spaces so as to create classroom and institutional spaces where students feel a sense of belonging, self-efficacy, and encouragement towards growth and success. 

Cost This program is free to accepted participants. Reasonable travel costs (for transportation, lodging, and meals) will be reimbursed after in-person portions of this program.

Year 1 (Jan-Dec 2025) Participants work on personal growth and classroom-level change. We will develop habits that are equitable in our everyday interactions with students through practice and self-reflection. We will work together to build resilience, to seek support, and to share resources, successes, and challenges along this journey.

Year 2 (Jan-Dec 2026) Participants continue personal and classroom transformations, and will act as peer mentors in their local communities (such as departments or institutions). These efforts might include facilitating workshops on student support strategies, or meeting one-on-one with fellow faculty members, or creating a local community of practice. This second year is designated to continue building capacity for creating student-centered environments that support the success for all students.

Applications for Cohort 2 Applications deadline has been extended to 31st October, 2024. 

Interested in applying but concerned about departmental, institutional, or governmental policies? Please reach out and we'll work with you to determine possible pathways so you can still participate!

Apply Now


Feedback from the Immersion Retreat for Cohort 1 (Jan. 6-7, 2024 - New Orleans, LA)

"[I] feel like I am not so alone in what I am trying to do in the classroom. That has made a big difference!"

"[W]e had a lot of really big discussions. I came in with an understanding of DEI but it was very eye opening in the ways I could be better doing more and doing a better job at addressing problems."

"I feel like my ideas and things I want to do are reasonable, and not just my gut instinct anymore."

"The group as a whole felt very welcoming and safe. It was a great environment to work in."