Matter and Interactions 2025


The Matter & Interactions Curriculum

Matter & Interactions, Fifth Edition (by Chabay, Sherwood, Titus, and Spicklemire, John Wiley & Sons) is more than a curriculum; it is a modern approach to the topics that comprise contemporary physics. In addition to providing an overview of M&I, the facilitators will put participants into "student mode" so they can experience the difference between traditional curricula and M&I on a selected subset of topics in both first and second semester courses. Although M&I mainstreamed computation with VPython and Web VPython, we will also focus on other aspects of the storyline (e.g. inclusion of special relativity throughout, probably the most detailed presentation of work and energy in the introductory literature, the emergence of thermodynamics from classical mechanics, etc.). Participants will have time to discuss the experience and possibilities for implementation.


  • Joe Heafner (Independent Scholar, NC)
  • Aaron Titus (North Carolina State University)


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