js9 2024 Workshop


Using js9 with students to analyze real astronomical data

This workshop introduced js9, a web-based image display environment, with archival satellite data that allows students to perform astronomical analysis remotely using their browser.  Energy spectra, light curves and much more can be explored, using data from thousands of deep sky objects, spanning the observed electromagnetic spectrum, from infrared to gamma rays.  Since this system is platform independent, it is especially useful in the classroom, as well as in distance learning environments.  

In this workshop, we worked through several activities using js9, such as the x-ray spectroscopy of type 1a and type 2 supernova remnants, and determining the source of ultra- and hyperluminous x-ray objects in the Cartwheel Galaxy. We also discussed how existing scientific papers can be “backwards engineered” to construct introductory activities to familiarize users with js9 and how to find FITS files and upload them so that students can conduct their own research projects.


Instructors of astronomy, data science, and physics instructors who wish to use astronomical ideas in their classes. Appropriate for high school to college classes.


  • Pamela Perry (Lewiston Public Schools, Maine)


Registration is now closed. The deadline was .

We hope to see you at a future event.