OPTYCs 2023 Tandem Conference

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Sacramento, CA

After a hiatus, the two-year college Tandem Meeting returned to the AAPT National Summer Meeting in 2023 in Sacramento, CA. We had a full day of workshops, posters, and networking, with over 75 participants. The day included nine workshops in three parallel sessions, a poster session, and opportunities to discuss with TYC colleagues. The outdoor temperature was nearly 110F, and the indoor rooms were very air-conditioned. But we had lot of food and great company!

Photos From the Workshops

People around a table with paper and laptops Working with solar data at the NASA-HEAT workshop.
Participants working with laptops and circuits Building circuits at the workshop on remotely-operated vehicles using Arduinos.
Subset of people in a stand-up circle discussion Listening and reflecting during a circle discussion in the Underrepresentation Curriculum workshop.
One person pushing down a rope held taut by two others Trying out toys at the workshop on demos.

Workshops & Posters

Here is the link to the list of workshops and posters. The list includes the primary presenter and an abstract. If the presenter has uploaded a copy of their poster, you can also view the posters from this link.


Itinerary from the Meeting

8:00 - 9:00

Check-In, Breakfast, Welcoming Remarks 


A - Curriculum

B - Assessment

C - Extracurricular

9:00 - 10:45 Session 1

Teaching Physics in a Space Science Context

Rod Milbrandt, Fana Mulu-Moore, Ron Schlaack

Physics Portfolio Assessments

Raeghan Graessle

Beginning Arduinos and Student Projects Underwater and Overhead

Greg Mulder

10:45 - 11:00


11:00 - 12:45 Session 2

Underrepresentation Curriculum Workshop: Let's talk about equity in STEM classrooms! 

Abigail Daane & Libby Schoene

Alternative Grading: Standards-based Grading 

Gloria Ramos

Authentic Research Experiences with Telescopes 

Lisa Storrie-Lombard & Rachel Freedi

12:45 - 2:00


2:00 - 3:00

Poster Session 

3:00 - 3:15


3:15 - 5:00 Session 3

I don't have time for demos!

Sam Sampere

How and Why to Teach Intro Physics Without Grades 

Ben Pollard

Best Practices for Student Groups at TYCs

Brad Conrad, Andrew Zeidell, Kayla Stephens, Janessa Slone


Evaluations, Discussions, & Wrap-Up


TYC Tandem Meeting is sponsored by OPTYCs (NSF-DUE-2212807).