
This is not an exhaustive list of resources related to teaching physics at two-year colleges. If you regularly use a resource and wish to share, please let us know: OPTYCs @

TYC physics Google group

Request to be added to this email group by sending a message to TYCphysics @ Googlegroups . com. The two-year college physics and astronomy community uses this group to communicate opportunities and ask questions. It is maintained by volunteers, and grew out of the American Association of Physics Teachers (now retired) list-serv. We, at OPTYCs, send out regular messages about our events, programs, and opportunities through this group.  

Spotlight - the OPTYCs Newsletter

Get the latest on OPTYCs events! Spotlight also features some teaching tips, helpful publications, and data about the TYC physics community.


Repository for physics and astronomy education resources.


Supporting and Advancing Geoscience Education at Two-Year Colleges (SAGE 2YC) was a change-agent program to infuse effective instructional practices in the geosciences. Many resources are relevant for any STEM class.

Evidence-Based Teaching Guides

Particularly helpful are various peer-reviewed studies that support recommendations, and instructor checklists which provide summaries of different aspects of good teaching.

The Underrepresentation Curriculum Project

A flexible curriculum designed to help students critically examine scientific fields and take action for equity, inclusion and justice.

Science Education Initiative

Includes a collection of instructor resources (plus a handy section on Student Resources), evidence-based instruments to assess teaching, learning, and student attitudes.

Effective Practices for Physics Programs

To support undergraduate (mostly four-year) physics programs, from APS and in collaboration with AAPT, from student retention, improving department climate, and skill-building.

Universal Design for Learning Guidelines

Provides resources to implement the framework for universal design with the goal of developing expert learners.